Hooks are functions that can be called from semantic actions and visitor callbacks. They provide contextual information and actions.
Hook | Type | Availability | Description |
$from |
() => Location |
Semantic actions, visitors | Returns the start location of the current match in the input (included) |
$to |
() => Location |
Semantic actions, visitors | Returns the end location of the current match in the input (excluded) |
$children |
() => any[] |
Semantic actions | Returns the children produced by the current match |
$value |
() => any |
Semantic actions | Returns the value (i.e. the single child) produced by the current match. This is undefined if there is no child, or multiple children. |
$raw |
() => string |
Semantic actions, visitors | Returns the substring of the current match |
$options |
() => Options |
Semantic actions, visitors | Returns the current parse options |
$context |
() => any |
Semantic actions, visitors | Returns the parse context. Shortcut for $options().context . |
$warn |
(message: string) => void |
Semantic actions, visitors | Emits a warning at the current match's start location |
$fail |
(message: string) => void |
Semantic actions, visitors | Emits a semantic failure at the current match's start location. In semantic actions, this failure is only a candidate (see Failures and warnings). |
$expected |
(expected: (string | RegExp | Expectation)[]) => void |
Semantic actions, visitors | Emits an expectation failure at the current match's start location. In semantic actions, this failure is only a candidate and might be thrown out or merged according to the farthest failure heuristic (see Failures and warnings). |
$commit |
() => void |
Semantic actions | Flushes the current farthest failure to the final failure output (see Error recovery) |
$emit |
(children: any[]) => void |
Semantic actions | Emits the given children. |
$node |
(label: string, fields: Record<string, any>): Node |
Semantic actions, visitors | Creates a Node with the given label and fields |
$visit |
(node: Node, visitor?: Visitor, options?: VisitOptions) => any |
Visitors | Applies the current visitor (or visitor if the second argument is provided) to node and returns the result. New options can be passed down (useful for changing context, or disabling warning and failure reports). |
$parent |
() => Node | null |
Visitors | Returns the Node from which the current visit was called from, or null if the current node is root |