Writing a plugin

Pegase has a plugin system that allows you to extend the base functionalities. A plugin is a simple object with four optional properties:

  1. name: the name of your plugin.
  2. castParser: A function to convert custom tag argument types into Parser instances.
  3. directives: Custom directive definitions.
  4. resolve: A string to Parser map that will be used as a fallback resolver for undefined non-terminals in your peg expressions. Think of it as global rules.

For the exact type signature of these properties, please refer to API > Types. Plugins then have to be added to the peg tag's plugins array. Order matters: in case of conflict (a conflicting resolve rule, directive definition or castParser behavior), the first will win. Let's add two directives @min and @max, that transform the children of the wrapped parser to only keep respectively the minimum and the maximum value and emit it as a single child:

  name: "my-plugin",
  directives: {
    min: parser => peg`${parser} ${() => Math.min(...$children())}`,
    max: parser => peg`${parser} ${() => Math.max(...$children())}`

Testing it:

const max = peg`
  list: $int+ @max
  $int: \d+ @number

max.value("36 12 42 3"); // 42

To remove a plugin, you can manipulate the plugins array just like any other array: splice it, or replace it entirely:

peg.plugins = peg.plugins.filter(({ name }) => name !== "my-plugin");
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